Partial Seizures

Navigating Relief: Leading Strategies for Managing Partial Seizures and Neuropathic Pain

What is a Partial Seizure?

A partial seizure basically starts from one specific area of the brain, and affects only the body. There are two major types of Seizures one is : simple partial seizures, where the patient remains awake and aware but may feel strange sensations or exhibit odd movements, and complex partial seizures, and the other is consciousness and the person appears confused, rubs their hand together repetitively, or does many actions like that without being aware. Partial seizures sometimes spread throughout the rest of the brain. 


Why do Partial Seizures occur?

  1. Abnormal activity in the brain: Partial seizure happens due to any abnormal electrical activity happening in any specific part of the brain. In partial seizures the electric signal becomes more irregular and excessive in the specific brain region.
  2. Brain Tumors: Brain tumors disturb the proper functioning of the brain and increase the chances of Seizures.
  3. Genetics: If there is a family history of Seizure or any brain disorders, there might be a possibility that you might also have it. 
  4. Infections: infections like Meningitis or encephalitis can make you prone to Seizures.
  5. Unknown issues: There can be other unknown factors which might be responsible for Seizures, but are still unknown or not identified.


How can we identify Seizures?

1.Twitching, moving or shaking: These are some of the common physical symptoms of Partial Seizures, where the body unknowingly just makes a dramatic movement out of nowhere due to unusual movement or activity in the brain.

2.Aura: People suffering from Seizures usually get a warning alert before getting a seizure. For ex: Change in taste, smell and feeling.

3.Post-seizure state: You can notice after seizure the body feels weak. Feeling drowsiness and blurred vision etc.

4.Repetitive actions: The person suffering from Seizure automatically makes such  movements which are random like Lip smacking, sweating or hand movements etc. 


How can we cure Partial seizures?

A combination of treatments in the management of partial seizures is designed for the curing of the condition. Well the cure might not be possible but can help in reducing Seizures. 

Medications: There are medicines which are specially formulated for treating seizures, and one of the examples is Antiepileptic drugs which are prescribed by the professionals to control seizures activity.

Lifestyle changes: Maintaining a healthy lifestyle by eating nice healthy potions, having 7-8 hour peaceful sleep without any disturbance, managing stress and avoiding alcohol can help in reducing seizure activity.

Surgical options: For people with no improvement from medications, they can opt for a surgery which can give positive results. 


What is Neuropathic pain?

Neuropathic Pain happens because of Damage in the nervous system. It is not the usual pain like Swelling or anything relating to Physical injury. Malfunctioning of the Nerves causes Neuropathic Pain. The Symptoms of Neuropathic Pain include: burning, stabbing, or jolting. Type of pain in individuals. Neuropathic Pain causes Hypersensitivity in the affected areas and makes a person feel more alert to the situations.


Causes Of Neuropathic pain:

This can result from various factors such as:

1.Nerve Injuries

2.Chronic medical conditions : Diabetes, Shingles, Infections, or any disease affecting the nervous system.

  1. Multiple Sclerosis
  2. Cancer Treatment
  3. Alcohol


Symptoms of Neuropathic Pain:

  1. Burning sensation: People who suffer from Neuropathic pain feel burning sensation in the affected areas.
  2. Stabbing Pain: This type of Pain is quite common, a sharp sudden stabbing pain that feels like a sudden shock or force.
  3. Numbness: A silent vibration in the affected areas or a reduced sensation in the affected areas. 
  4. Constant Pain: A constant pain situation which doesn’t go away and also there is not a clear reason as to why it happens.
  5. Hyperalgesia: The pain feeling is severe and even a little movement causes extreme pain.
  6. Allodynia: Pain caused even from the small movements, which usually do not disturb much.


How can we treat Neuropathic Pain?

1.Antidepressants: There are medicines which are prescribed by the doctors to increase the chances of improvement with the help of  medicines like – amitriptyline or duloxetine.

2.Anticonvulsants: Anticonvulsants are medicines which help in enhancing Cognitive functions.

3.Therapy: There are a set of therapies like Physical therapy, behavioral therapy, to boost mobility and enhance physical strength can help tackle seizure situations.

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Medicines for Treating Neuropathic Pain:


1.Amitriptyline: An antidepressant which can help in reducing pain.

2.Duloxetine: An SNRI, which decreases pain by altering neurological pathways that process pain perception.



Partial seizures and nerve pains are equally important and  serious issues, and these medical conditions are important to be studied and identified in order to proceed for a positive treatment. And the actual reason for partial seizures is when there is an unusual activity or movement in the brain, resulting in Partial Seizure. The symptoms and severity of the condition can be treated by medicines, Modification in  lifestyle and sometimes surgery in extreme  conditions. Nerve Pain can happen because of various reasons such as Nerve issues, Cancer Treatment, these can trigger Neuropathic Pain in an individual. The Treatment for Neuropathic Pain includes: Professional Assitance, Medications, Therapy, Proper rest and a positive treatment Plan.

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